GymAware's Auto Record functionality means there is no need to start and stop any set.
This however means that once on the "Prepare Screen" any bar movement is being registered by the system.
This article explains why sometimes a rep may be counted and then a whole set missed;
Care needs to be taken that you only record the movement of interest and not getting the bar into position; ie moving it from the floor up to the rack prior to squatting.
Note for below screenshot:
The bar was taken from the ground and placed in the rack and then the athlete squatted. Only the first movement of placing it up into the rack was registered as a rep.
The following squats were less then 75% the size of this movement so they did not then count (more on the 75% rule here).
Once we zoomed in on the squat data and then forced the set to recalculate and not include that initial movement then all 4 reps were detected.

This is also often observed at the end of a set and additional rep gets counted at the end; because the bar was being repositioned (see below).

The cause of this could be because the no movement timeout on the GA units set to too large a value.
The default value is 7 secs.
What this means is that after 7 secs of no movement on the bar then the set itself will be deemed to be finished and therefore the data recording will automatically stop.
So there needs to be some balance with this value; you don't want it too short or whilst an athlete is lifting it can prematurely stop the recording, say when deadlifting heavy as they may wish to take 5 or so secs in between reps.
Conversely, if the no movement timeout value is extended out too far then the PowerTool will keep recording even though the set has finished.
We suggest you check and set each of the systems individually by:
- Connect the iPad to the GA PowerTool via bluetooth and zero
- Next select the recording modes settings option - the settings icon just to the left of the Auto-REC button ( or manual REC) depending on which recording mode you are in.
- Check and then adjust the SET Automatic-RECORD Timeout.
I'd suggest somewhere between 6-10 secs unless you purposely want to keep the recording going for another reason, outside of its typical use in a team training session.
If the training environment was fast and furious then you may want to set that number lower, so that the set can immediately finish and the next guy can jump in and start his set as quickly as possible.
- Use your finger to adjust the slider and set the desired no-movement timeout.
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