Enable Two Factor Authentication
As an additional security measure accounts can also enable two-factor authentication using Time-based 6-digit codes (Time-based one-time password (TOTP) codes).
The Coach will need a TOTP software such as Google Authenticator, Last Pass Authenticator or Authy.
The coach should click the “Enable 2-Factor Authentication” button on the staff edit page).
Then click the “Show Code” button.
This will present the Coach with a QR code and an authentication text code. If they are using Google Authenticator from their phone they may scan the QR code from within the app otherwise they can manually copy the text code to their preferred app.
Now on login after entering their username and password the Coach will be presented a page asking them to enter their code. The code on their device (phone) will refresh every 30 seconds and must be entered and submitted while the code still shows on the device.
If You Get Locked Out?
To enable your account contact your account admin (if you do not have an Admin another coach will be able to assist). Admins will go to the staff overview tab. Change the filter select box to filter: Locked.
This will show all staff members who are currently in the locked state. From here find the locked coach and click the restore button. Pressing restore will return them to the filter: Active view. The Coach will now be able to attempt to log into their account again.
Admins may also archive a staff member. This is similar to the Locked in that an archived staff member will be unable to access their account. They can be restored in a similar fashion by setting the select filter to filter: Archived.
If you have any questions, please reach out to support@gymaware.com
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