Count down/up or Clusters
Version 2.5 has brought the introduction of 3 types of timers:
- Work Timer
- Rest Timer
- Cluster Timer
All TIMERS are accessed through the RECORDING MODES
Work Timer
Apply a timer for the duration of the set. Do this by:
- Tap the RECORD MODES icon
- Then tap the WORK TIMER icon (green)
- Use the slider to set the WORK TIMER *
- Tap the black space or WORK TIMER icon to return to the previous screen
- Tap the black space to return to the PREPARE or SETUP screen.
The WORK TIMER will appear as part of the RECORDING icon and turns the STOP WATCH icon green.
Rest Timer
Apply a timer for the duration of the set. Do this by:
- Tap the RECORD MODES icon
- Tap the REST TIMER icon (red)
- Use the slider to set the REST TIMER *
- Tap the black space or REST TIMER icon to return to the previous screen
- Tap the black space to return to the PREPARE or SETUP screen.
* NOTE: You can set a REST and a WORK or CLUSTER timer together
The REST TIMER will appear as part of the RECORDING icon and turns the STOP WATCH icon red once the set has been completed.
Cluster Timer
Apply a timer for the duration of the set. Do this by:
- Tap the RECORD MODES icon
- Tap the CLUSTER TIMER icon (blue)
- Use the sliders to set the numbers of reps, numbers of clusters and intra set rest
- Tap the black space or CLUSTER TIMER icon to return to the previous screen
- Tap the black space to return to the PREPARE or SETUP screen
The Rep and Set icons will update with the cluster settings. During a CLUSTER workout audio will cue the work.
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