Your device might miss the first rep in your set for several reasons, here are a list of things you can do to avoid missing reps.
- Ensure your mat is positioned correctly with the silver side facing up on an even surface. The device should be over the mat at all times even during the un-racking and re-racking stage.
- If you have a prep timer on make sure you’re starting your set when the timer has finished counting down.
- Some exercises will require you moving FLEX a large distance followed by a shorter distance (Eg. Picking up the weight from the ground for an overhead press or front squat). Your device doesn’t like the change in distance and often won't record reps if you have a big distance traveled followed by a shorter distance. A quick fix for this is to enable a prep timer to give yourself a chance to get into position.
- Minimum range of movement can be an issue if you’re not moving the bar far enough. All of our exercises have minimum movement thresholds to ensure we are correctly measuring reps. If this is the case please contact us at
By switching to the line graph view, (swipe once to the right from the velocity screen) you’ll be able to see exactly what’s happening during your lift. In this view you will see the devices distance traveled over time.
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